"Did Miss Brett say it was all right?"
"Yes, though she said she wanted to think about it. But you will have to sit on the girls' side as you will be the only boy in dresses, and would look funny with the boys. But there are always too many boys for their seats and some will have to sit on the girls' side anyway.
"Maybe she will even let Karen sit next to me."
"Maybe, but if you two talk, she will move you in a hurry.
"When will I know?"
"Miss Brett said she will be over tonight.
I got into my best things, and got Irene to button my back and do my hair so I would look my very best. Back hair had grown enough that she was able to put a ribbon around it with a big bow on top, and I felt quite a big girl with it. Mother and the girls were out in the yard when she came, so I let her in remembering to be very polite.
"Good evening, Miss Brett, mother's out in the yard. I'll call her."
"Never mind, let her finish what she is doing. So you want to come to school in skirts? I don't blame you, such a pretty dress, and your hair looks nice too.
"Irene does it for me, it's long enough now for a ribbon on it.'
"So I see; why did your mother cut your long hair? You looked so pretty with it."
"It got so long it used to fall around my face, and I would get it dirty playing. She had to wash it nearly every night, and said it was too much work when she was tired. She didn't want to cut it, and I cried too."